Last week Warsaw hosted the MCE conference where the main goal was to bring designers and programmers together so they could learn from each other, inspire each other and discuss how to work more efficiently with each other. The event did not only focus on design or product development, but also more specifically on service and interaction design, marketing, management and the peculiarities of iOS and Android.

The conference gathered 480 participants and an impressive number of 53 speakers. However, if you missed this year’s edition, you will (within the next few days) be able to watch the best speeches online on the MCE conference youtube channel. Here are those that the CEO of Polidea Jakub Lipiński, the organizer of the conference, recommends: Steve Selzer’s talk about the future of human-centered design and the re-introduction of frictions into service design to promote reflection and growth; the speech of C.Todd Lombardo about organizational dynamics of innovation; Carl H Smith’s talk on context engineering and hybrid transformative technologies, (which Jakub found a bit scary but very interesting) and Ash Furrow’s talk on the state of the development community.

The most important feature of the conference is for engineers, designers and product people to gather at the same place. The whole concept is to instil a cooperative spirit between the disciplines, because it is rarely seen in tech conferences. On the top of that, the size of MCE is building a really friendly atmosphere that is the most important ingredient for great conversations and networking. For us it is a top priority to make sure our experts are accessible and everyone has a great time together. – says Jakub Lipiński.

[easy-tweet tweet=”What You Lost If You Were Not At The MCE #Conference in #Warsaw @mceconf” user=”150sec” hashtags=”CEEMakers” url=””]

The plan for next year is to keep up the pace and bring together great speakers and passionate attendees to discuss emerging trends, learn, exchange and network in this rather cosy setting. I think that the size of the conference really does matter and this one fulfilled its purpose. I did also enjoy a networking game Idea Mixer thanks to which I had a coffee with the Empatica team and the after party where I met various interesting people. I hope to you see there next year!


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