Minutizer, along with its main partners SmartX Net Apps, Finland Fintech, announce the first hackathon in Romania dedicated to the fintech industry, Fintech Camp.

The event will take place between 6-8 May 2016, in Iasi, in the space provided by  The Grape Hub, and will bring together several developers, designers and business people involved in this industry or wanting to gain some relevant practical experience.

Financial technology (fintech) is one of the areas with a big global potential, with an aim to build new business models through which banks, insurance companies, financial brokers and other market players, may offer the best services to clients and business partners. We’ve recently published an article on the main fintech trends for this year.

In a context where technology is changing paradigm more and more often, it is a challenge for any startup or freelancer to create a product or a service that would fundamentally change the way money flows and financial services are being rendered.

We are confident that Fintech Camp will be the starting point of a national or even regional fintech community, and we are already in advanced talks to organise the next editions of the event in Bucharest and Helsinki,” said Andrei Neagu, Project Manager of Fintech Camp.

[easy-tweet tweet=”First#hackathon in #Romania dedicated to the #fintech industry, @fintech_camp by @minutizer” user=”150sec” hashtags=”CEEmakers” url=”http://goo.gl/U53t87″]

Taking part in Fintech Camp is absolutely free, being made possible following a preliminary selection of the registrants, depending on their interest and potential prior experience in the field. Registration is open on the event’s website. Prizes include money and gadgets to be shortly announced by the event organisers.


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