GovItHub is a governmental programme that aims at building a common ground for the private and the public IT sector in Romania through reshaping and digitalising the public administration and also offering support for Open Data and Open Source initiatives and tech entrepreneurship.
This is one of the very few public programs that has also asked for the involvement of business people and professionals, unrestricting it for public administration only. GovItHub is open to business incubators and accelerators, IT hubs, investment funds, startups and corporations.
The administration council has invited representatives from the private sector, investors, community builders and also representatives from the prime-minister’s Chancellor. Bitdefender CEO Florin Talpes is also a part of the council and has expressed his vision of reducing bureaucracy and encouraging innovation.
GovItHub’s mission is ‘Mobile first, cloud ready, open by default’. It is a significant and unprecedented change of attitude and commitment on part of the Government which the public opinion welcomed with great enthusiasm.
The community can also get involved into enabling the GovItHub initiatives by volunteering or even applying for a job. There are 100 positions open for volunteering and other 10 full time, paid positions. The program initiators are looking for people with experience in Cyber security, Big Data, Backend and Frontend software development, User Experience, Marcom, Design and Project Management.
More details about the programme and applications on http://ithub.gov.ro/
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